1984/09 – 1988/06,合肥工业大学,化工系,本科
1990/09 – 1993/04,天津大学,应用化学系,硕士
1993/09 – 1997/01,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,博士
1997-1999,复旦大学,高分子科学系,博士后1999-2000,Institute of Polymer Research Dresden(德国),博士后
2000-2002,University of Florida (美国), 材料系, 博士后
1: Liu Y, Hou W, Zhao H.* Synthesis of Y‑Shaped Polymer Brushes on Silica Particles and Hierarchical Surface Structures Fabricated by the Coassembly Approach. Macromolecules 2020, 53, 5001−5014.
2: Hou W, Wang H, Cui Y, Liu Y, Ma X, Zhao H.* Surface Nanostructures Fabricated by Polymerization-Induced Surface Self-Assembly. Macromolecules 2019, 52, 8404−8414.
3: Zhao Y, Liu L,* Zhao H.* Surface Reconstruction by a Coassembly Approach. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 10577 –10581.
4: Hou W, Wei L, Liu L,* Zhao H.* Surface Coassembly of Polymer Brushes and Polymer–Protein Bioconjugates: An Efficient Approach to the Purification of Bioconjugates under Mild Conditions. Biomacromolecules 2018, 19, 4463-71.
5: Hou W, Feng Y, Li B,* Zhao H.* Coassembly of Linear Diblock Copolymer Chains and Homopolymer Brushes on Silica Particles: A Combined Computer Simulation and Experimental Study. Macromolecules 2018, 51, 1894-904.
6: Wang J-T, Wang L, Ji X, Liu L,* Zhao H.* Synthesis of Zwitterionic Diblock Copolymers with Cleavable Biotin Groups at the Junction Points and Fabrication of Bioconjugates by Biotin-Streptavidin Coupling. Macromolecules 2017, 50, 2284-95.
7: Han G, Wang J-T, Ji X, Liu L,* Zhao H.* Nanoscale Proteinosomes Fabricated by Self-Assembly of a Supramolecular Protein-Polymer Conjugate. Bioconjugate Chemistry 2017, 28, 636-41.
8: Fan W, Liu L,* Zhao H.* Co-assembly of Patchy Polymeric Micelles and Protein Molecules. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2017, 56, 8844-8.
9. Yang X, Chen D, Zhao H.* Silica particles with immobilized protein molecules and polymer brushes. Acta Biomaterialia 2016, 29, 446-54.
10: Chen D, Hou W, Wu D, Wu Y, Cheng G, Zhao H.* Protein-Cross-Linked Triple-Responsive Polymer Networks Based on Molecular Recognition. ACS Macro Letters 2016, 5, 1222-6.
11: Zhang Y, Zhao C, Liu L,* Zhao H.* Polymeric Micelles with Mesoporous Cores. ACS Macro Letters 2013, 2, 891-5.
12: Wen J, Yuan L, Yang Y, Liu L,* Zhao H.* Self-Assembly of Monotethered Single-Chain Nanoparticle Shape Amphiphiles. ACS Macro Letters 2013, 2, 100-6.
13: Liu J, Liu G, Zhang M, Sun P,* Zhao H.* Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Janus Laponite Disks. Macromolecules 2013, 46, 5974-84.
14: Jin J, Wu D, Sun P, Liu L, Zhao H.* Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer Bioconjugates with Biotin Groups at the Junction Points: Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Bioactivity. Macromolecules 2011, 44, 2016-24.
15: Lian X, Wu D, Song X, Zhao H.* Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Asymmetric Macromolecular Brushes. Macromolecules 2010, 43, 7434-45.
16: Lian X, Jin J, Tian J, Zhao H.* Thermoresponsive Nanohydrogels Cross-Linked by Gold Nanoparticles. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2010, 2, 2261-8.
17: Zhang X, Yang Y, Tian J, Zhao H.* Vesicles fabricated by hybrid nanoparticles. Chemical Communications 2009, 25, 3807-9.
18: Zhang J, Wang X, Wu D, Liu L,* Zhao H.* Bioconjugated Janus Particles Prepared by in Situ Click Chemistry. Chemistry of Materials 2009, 21, 4012-8.
19: Zhang X, Lian X, Liu L, Zhang J, Zhao H.* Synthesis of Comb Copolymers with Pendant Chromophore Groups Based on RAFT Polymerization and Click Chemistry and Formation of Electron Donor-Acceptor Supramolecules. Macromolecules 2008, 41, 7863-9.
20: Zhao H,* Kang X, Liu L. Comb-coil polymer brushes on the surface of silica nanoparticles. Macromolecules 2005, 38, 10619-22.