博士 副教授





电 话:



1. 仿生高分子及发光高分子材料

2. 固体核磁共振波谱及应用









2023年,在ACS Macro Letters, Materials Horizons, Chemical Engineering Journal, ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesCarbohydrate Polymers等期刊发表15篇论文。在Springer出版书籍《Handbook of Epoxy Blends》以及Royal Society of Chemistry出版书籍《NMR Methods for Characterization of Synthetic and Natural Polymers》中撰写部分章节。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (2020)一项。

1. Gao Y, Zhang Q, Wang F*, Sun P. Wide-range tunable phosphorescence emission in cellulose-based materials enabled by complementary-color phosphors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471: 144665.

2. Gao Y, Di X, Wang F*, Sun P*. Room temperature tunable multicolor phosphorescent polymers for humidity detection and information encryption. RSC Advances, 2022, 12 (13): 8145-8153.

3Gao Y, Deng Z, Wang F*, Sun P*. Achieving long lifetime of room-temperature phosphorescence via constructing vitrimer networks. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 6 (8): 1068-1078.

4. Wang F#, Yang Z#, Li J, Zhang C, Sun P. Bioinspired Polyurethane Using Multifunctional Block Modules with Synergistic Dynamic Bonds. ACS Macro Letters, 2021, 10 (5): 510-517.

5. Wang F, Ramakrishna S K, Sun P, Fu R. Triple-pulse excitation: An efficient way for suppressing background signals and eliminating radio-frequency acoustic ringing in direct polarization NMR experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2021, 332: 107067.

6. Wang F, Deng Z, Yang Z, Sun P. Heterogeneous Dynamics and Microdomain Structure of High-Performance Chitosan Film as Revealed by Solid-State NMR. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021.

7. Liu T, Wang F*, Wu Q, Chen T, Sun P*. Fluorescent, electrically responsive and ultratough self-healing hydrogels via bioinspired all-in-one hierarchical micelles. Materials Horizons, 2021, 8 (11): 3096-3104.

8. Liu T, Zou S, Hang C, Li J, Di X, Li X, Wu Q, Wang F*, Sun P*. Mechanically strong and tough hydrogels with pH-triggered self-healing and shape memory properties based on a dual physically crosslinked network. Polymer Chemistry, 2020, 11 (11): 1906-1918.

9. Li J, Ma Q, Xu Y, Yang M, Wu Q, Wang F*, Sun P*. Highly Bidirectional Bendable Actuator Engineered by LCST–UCST Bilayer Hydrogel with Enhanced Interface. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12 (49): 55290-55298.

10. Wang F#, Chen S#, Wu Q, Zhang R, Sun P. Strain-induced structural and dynamic changes in segmented polyurethane elastomers. Polymer, 2019, 163: 154-161.

11. Tian D, Wang F*, Yang Z, Niu X, Wu Q, Sun P*. High-performance polyurethane nanocomposites based on UPy-modified cellulose nanocrystals. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 219: 191-200.

12. Niu X, Wang F*, Kui X, Zhang R, Wang X, Li X, Chen T, Sun P*, Shi A-C. Dual Cross-linked Vinyl Vitrimer with Efficient Self-Catalysis Achieving Triple-Shape-Memory Properties. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2019, 40 (19): 1900313.

13.  Wang F, Zhang R, Lin A, Chen R, Wu Q, Chen T, Sun P. Molecular origin of the shape memory properties of heat-shrink crosslinked polymers as revealed by solid-state NMR. Polymer, 2016, 107: 61-70.

14. Wang F, Zhang R, Wu Q, Chen T, Sun P, Shi A-C. Probing the Nanostructure, Interfacial Interaction, and Dynamics of Chitosan-Based Nanoparticles by Multiscale Solid-State NMR. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6 (23): 21397-21407.



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